Sunday, 29 May 2011

Lime Hawkmoth, Mimas tiliae, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Shoulder-striped Wainscot, Mythimna comma, Roydon Common, 28/5/11

Peppered Moth, Biston betularia, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Vine's Rustic, Hoplodrina ambigua, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Iron Prominent, Notodonta dromedarius, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Marbled Minor, Oligia strigilis, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Light Brocade, Lacanobia w-latinum, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
True Lovers Knot, Lycophotia porphyria, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Fox Moth, female, Macrothylacia rubi, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Lime-speck Pug, Eupithecia centaureata, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Scorched Wing, Plagodis dolabraria, Roydon Common, 28/5/11
Bright-line Brown-eye, Lacanobia oleracea, Roydon Common, 28/5/11

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Lesser Swallow Prominent, Pheosia gnoma, Sandringham 25/5/11
Purple Bar, Cosmorhoe ocellata, Sandringham 25/5/11
Least Black Arches, Nola confusalis, Sandringham 25/5/11
Cream Wave, Scopula floslactata, Sandringham 25/5/11
Brown Rustic, Rusina ferruginea, Sandringham 25/5/11
Light Emerald, Campaea margaritata, Sandringham 25/5/11

The Flame, Axylia putris, Sandringham 25/5/11
Several people have asked or emailed me to find out what trapping equipment I use.

I use a Skinner trap with a 30w actinic tube. It's powered by a 12v car battery! I bought the trap from Anglian Lepidopterist Supplies at ...and the battery from Wilco.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Bordered White, male, Bupalus piniaria, Sandringham 13/5/11
Brown Silver-line, Petrophora chlorosata,  Sandringham 13/5/11
Green Carpet, Colostygia pectinataria, Sandringham 13/5/11
Maiden's Blush, Cyclophora punctaria, Sandringham 13/5/11
Peacock, Macaria notata, Sandringham 13/5/11
Silver-ground Carpet, Xanthorhoe montonata montonata, Sandringham 13/5/11
Treble Bar, Aplocera plagiata,  Sandringham 13/5/11
Treble Lines, Charanyca trigrammatica, Sandringham 13/5/11
Marbled Brown, Drymonia dodonaea, Sandringham 13/5/11

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Waved Umber, Menorpha abruptaria, Sandringham 7/5/11
White Ermine, Spilosoma lubricipeda,Sandringham 7/5/11
Pale Oak Beauty, Hypomecis punctinalis, Sandringham 7/5/11
Pale Oak Beauty, dark form, f. humperti, Sandringham 7/5/11
Spruce Carpet, Thera britannica, Sandringham 7/5/11
Pebble Hook-tip, Drepana falcataria, Sandringham 7/5/11
Rivulet, Perizoma affinitata, Sandringham, 7/5/11
Pine Hawkmoth, Hyloicus pinastri, Sandringham 7/5/11
Grey Pine Carpet, Thera obeliscata, Sandringham 7/5/11
Flame Shoulder, Ochropleura plecta, Sandringham 7/5/11

Friday, 6 May 2011

Pale Tussock, Calliteara pudibunda, Sandringham 5/5/11

Tawny-barred Angle, Macaria liturata, Sandringham 5/5/11

2 views of Coxcomb Prominent, Ptilodon capucina,  Sandringham, 5/5/11

Cream Wave, Scopula floslactata,  Sandringham, 5/5/11

Pine Beauty, Panolis flammea, Sandringham, 5/5/11

A newly emerged Angle Shades, Phlogophora meticulosa, King's Lynn, 5/5/11